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  1. Procrastination

    It’s too easy to put off action. This weekend I finally completed the mundain task of defrosting the freezer. As I mopped up the water from the floor I realised it was a metafor for life I have known for ages that it needed doing, everytime I opened the compartment…

  2. Keeping the dark at bay

    I know many people have times when they feel down, and others suffer from depression more severely than me I’ve learnt to deal with the dark times better, I talk: mostly to my sister, then friends and family both distant and next door (my neighbours are more than just the…

  3. Greenwich walkabout on film

    Primarily a chance to catch up with my sister I took my film camera along. I think I was in my teens the last time I visited the Cutty Sark. Back then it was a much lower tech environment. This was way before the glass structure that now surrounds the…

  4. Fairview Cove

    My first bikepacking adventure of the year is completed. And I feel so much better for it. As you’ll have read it was to Fairview on the south coast. Day one was via a friends house near Burwash. I always underestimate how long it’s going to take to get there;…

  5. Getting away from it all

    A long weekend allowed me a short bikepacking trip. To Fairlight Cove not far from Hastings, including a stop for lunch with a friend on the first day seemed like a great plan. It gave me time to reset. Riding and just generally being with others is great. But sometimes…

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