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Posts tagged with depression

  1. Reflection

    At this time of year it’s the norm to post about new years resolutions and summing-up the past year. I don’t make them, or do them just once a year. What I do during the year is: - Build a plan for the future.                                   It can be a simple as…

  2. Coping strategies

    As I approach the first anniversay of my solo life I’ve begun to think about the future. Until now it’s been living day to day. Just get through it until I can go back to bed. How did I get here?How I have coped? How am I going to continue…

  3. Why do I eat?

    This is a question I’ve been asking myself for a while.  Firstly I need to eat, everyone does. But there is more to it for me. My weight and fitness is part of how I see myself. I often feel hungry but that doesn’t always encourage me to investigate the…

  4. A broken record

    It’s a worry I’ve had for some time, and I can’t shake it. Will the people I depend on get fed up hearing about my feelings and thoughts? Of course not; I’m very lucky. The support network I have always was and continues to be there for me.  I think…

  5. Keeping the dark at bay

    I know many people have times when they feel down, and others suffer from depression more severely than me I’ve learnt to deal with the dark times better, I talk: mostly to my sister, then friends and family both distant and next door (my neighbours are more than just the…

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