At this time of year it’s the norm to post about new years resolutions and summing-up the past year.
I don’t make them, or do them just once a year.
What I do during the year is:
- Build a plan for the future.
It can be a simple as booking time off work; deciding how I’ll fill the time. I have somthing to look forward to, and can start saving up for it.
- Consider what recently made you feel good and what didn’t.
- Appreciate and acknowledge those around you who made a positive impact, and those who didn’t.
- Talk.
How did I know I needed to change? When did I start?
I was angry most of the time. I had a lot of resentment. I didn’t sleep well. I rarely felt relaxed or at peace.
People saw anger and resentment. It was a self perpetuating downward spiral. The more I exhibited these traits the more I received in return.
I had to accept my failings; own them. It was too easy to blame others.
Four years ago this blog and the discussions it started helped me to see what I was doing. And slowly make changes.
I have an incredible support circle that not only encourages me, but tells me when I wrong.
I hope you are as fortunate as I with the people in your life. If not there are organisations that can help. For example: The Samaritans, MIND.
In the UK you can refer yourself for CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Now that I think about it, the talking I did in these sessions lead to that first blog post.