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  1. Cycle clothing

    It’s that time of year again; what to wear on the bike. I’ve written a few posts about my thoughts. They have been mostly to vent my frustration with my purchases. My biggest bugbears are the cost, and not living up to promises. I haven’t been able to test many…

  2. Sanitise

    A question was posed as a mate and I sat in our usual Sunday morning cafe. How had I changed my outlook on life so much over the last year or so? Why was I seemingly positive despite it being the worst period of my life? My reply was that…

  3. Without action a goal is just a dream

    The title came to me during a morning run. Exercise often provides blog ideas, I get time to think without distraction. People will say they want to achieve something or be somewhere in the future. But unless you take action, and it’s easy not to, you won’t reach your target.…

  4. Why do I eat?

    This is a question I’ve been asking myself for a while.  Firstly I need to eat, everyone does. But there is more to it for me. My weight and fitness is part of how I see myself. I often feel hungry but that doesn’t always encourage me to investigate the…

  5. Oxted CC IoW

    I hadn’t been to the Isle of Wight since I was a kid. Now I’ve been there three times in two years. This last time was for the annual Oxted Cycling Club round the island ride. Thanks to a friend who picked me up I was able to attend. It…

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