Keeping the dark at bay

I know many people have times when they feel down, and others suffer from depression more severely than me.

I’ve learnt to deal with the dark times better, I talk: mostly to my sister, then friends and family both distant and next door (my neighbours are more than just the people who live in the house nextdoor), or I write.

I also talk to myself: I know given time it will get easier to cope. I speak positively. There is a light at the end of every tunnel.

Often I’ll just call it a day and go to bed. This can mean I’m asleep before the sun goes down during the summer. I’Il often get seven or more hours sleep. Unfortunately it also causes me to wake very early. With longer days and warmer weather I’ll often go for a walk or run way before the rest of the world is awake. Which is great because it’s quiet, but there isn’t anywhere to sit with a coffee and watch my surroundings rise from it’s slumber.

My family, friends and cycling club check up on me. I will most likely reply that I’m okay. Some will get a more detailed explanation about why they haven’t heard from me for a while. The chairman of my club did so last week. I said I’d not been able to face crowds, and at the moment wanted to ride alone or with only with two or three others. He understood and hoped I’d be back soon. Previous to that two members had met me for coffee and cake at Coughlans. This local bakery chain is my go to place if I need to be with people, without having to talk to anyone. They know me by name and what I usually order. Which is a comfortable level of interaction, other customers sit and chat amongst themselves, and I can immerse myself in the sound.

Last weekend I had an overnight stay on the south coast. With a stop for lunch on the way there at a friends house. 

It helped to break my routine, which is a double edged sword. I like to know what I’m doing looking forward, but also to have a little spontaneity.  

It’s not just about me. I want to support others, I have time for their troubles and struggles. It is very rewarding to be able to help and support others in any way I can.

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